Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Oatmeal Bread

This is not an original recipe, but it is one that I have used almost weekly for five or six years.  It came off the back of a bag of King Arthur Bread Flour; it also appears on the King Arthur website:
I use a bread machine to make the bread, but it can be made conventionally.  It is a nice, basic yeast bread.
One purpose of this blog is to get all my favorite recipes in one place; I have a fear of losing the original well-worn recipe and not being able to find it again.  The only modifications I have made are:

Substitute 1 cup whole wheat flour for 1 cup of the bread flour; so, 2 cups bread flour, 1 cup whole wheat flour, 1 cup oatmeal. I have never added currants. Cane syrup or molasses may be used in place of the honey. Substitute canola oil for butter (for convenience).


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